Abnehmen Conjugation
conjugation of abnehmen
Here you will find the verb conjugation of abnehmen. Please choose the desired tense from the selection below or click on one of the links at the bottom of the.
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Verb conjugation: abnehmen conjugation in German, free verb conjugator, conjugation models, irregular verbs, modal verbs, verb tenses, verb moods.
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German verb abnehmen conjugated in all tenses. Verbix verb conjugator Verbix verb conjugation machine Homepage Languages Downloads Store More .
Conjugation[edit]. [show ▽]Conjugation of abnehmen [show ▽]Subordinate clause forms of abnehmen.
Conjugation of abnehmen - German verb nimmt ab - nahm ab - hat abgenommen - abnehmen conjugated in all tenses.
abnehmen german conjugation table
Conjugation: abnehmen. To get a conjugation table, type any sequence of letters from the infinitive of at least 3 letters into the lightblue field and click on the .
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abnehmen conjugation - German verbs conjugated in all tenses with the bab.la verb Infinitive: abnehmen nahm ab|abgenommen. abnehmen conjugation.
abnehmen - English translation, abnehmen conjugation, abnehmen pronouncing , abnehmen example sentences.
abnehmen verb conjugation
Conjugate verb abnehmen in german Present Past perfect Future Perfect of abnehmen. Learn it online with educational games.
conjugation of the word abnehmen
singular, plural. Infinitive. abnehmen. Präsens. Present. 1, ich nehme ab, wir nehmen ab. 2, du nimmst ab, ihr nehmt ab. 3, er / sie / es nimmt ab, sie / Sie.
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Past Tense Spanish Verbs Conjugation Chart. Past Present Future Tense Verbs. Learn how to conjugate and use the spanish pretérito..Spanish past tense.
Futur I Indikativ, werde abnehmen, wirst abnehmen, wird abnehmen, werden abnehmen, werdet abnehmen, werden abnehmen. Futur I Konjunktiv II, würde.
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All inflected forms of Abnehmen in the canoonet dictionary. Word Forms, Inflection, Declination, Conjugation. Nominative, das, Abnehmen. Accusative, das.
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Meaning, conjugation, pronunciation and examples of the verb nehmen to take abnehmen, to lose weight separable verb. annehmen, to accept
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Best Answer: with this verb that has a prefix you have two different present tense conjugations depending if it stands in a main clause or.
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Abnehmen bilgisi ve Abnehmen linkleri ve Abnehmen bağlantıları Bilgiler, Linkler , Tüm Konular, Her Here you will find the verb conjugation of abnehmen.
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