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Amazon Almased Nutritional Multi Protein Shake Powder, 17.6 oz, 1 Pack.

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Almased s unique formula contains the key ingredients for successful weight loss, optimal health and maximum energy: - High-quality fermented soy - Skim.

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Amazon Almased Multi Protein Powder 1 x 17.6 oz

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Amazon Almased Multi-Protein Powder, 17.6 oz, 4 pack.

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Amazon Almased Nutritional Multi Protein Shake Powder, 17.6 oz, 2 Pack.

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It claims to be all natural.the reviews on Amazon seemed to lean positive i just read about almased today in a reputable health magazine.

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Redheadedbird on August 23, 2013 from amazon Verified PurchaseI started on Almased 4 weeks ago and cant believe the difference in how I feel.

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Almased Almased Synergy Diet Multi Protein Powder 499 g: Health & Personal Care.

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Almased is a powder made from natural high-quality fermented soy, skim milk yogurt powder and enzyme-rich honey. It contains all important nutrients the body .

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Heard about this product from a nutritionist at a local health food store, and read up on it. Have found that surprisingly! I do NOT feel hunger, and that excess fat .

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