Definition Of Volumetrics


adjective vol·u·met·ric ˌväl-yu̇-ˈme-trik. Definition of VOLUMETRIC. : of, relating to, or involving the measurement of volume. — vol·u·met·ri·cal·ly -tri-kə- lē.

volumetric medical definition

Medical definition of volumetric: of, relating to, or involving the measurement of volume.


Definition of volumetric in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of volumetric. Pronunciation of volumetric. Translations of volumetric. volumetric synonyms, volumetric.


Volumetric definition, of or relating to measurement by volume. See more.


Relating to the measurement of volume. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content.

definition of volumetric analysis

Definition of volumetric analysis | The official Collins English Dictionary online. Comprehensive and authoritative, rely on Collins for up-to-date English with.

volumetrics dictionary definition

volumetrics - Computer Definition. Dealing with size. Refers to storage and database requirements and typically deals with configuring the size of caches, buffers.

volumetrics definition from pc magazine encyclopedia

PC Magazine Tech Encyclopedia Index - Definitions on common technical and computer related terms. Definition of:volumetrics. volumetrics. Dealing with size .

what does volumetric mean? definition and meaning free english

Definition of volumetric in the Dictionary. Meaning of volumetric . What does volumetric mean? Proper usage of the word volumetric. Information.

volumetric display

One definition offered by pioneers in the field is that volumetric displays create 3- D imagery via the emission, scattering, or relaying of illumination from.

volumetric analysis

volumetric analysis, any method of quantitative chemical analysis in which the amount of a substance is determined by measuring the volume.

volumetric building – dictionary definition of volumetric building

Definition of volumetric building – Our online dictionary has volumetric building information from A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

what is volumetric flowrate? definition and meaning

Definition of volumetric flowrate: The total volume of fluid that moves within a defined space over a set period of time. For example, cardiac output can be.


volumetric - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums . All Free.

urban dictionary volumetrics

1. noun; of, relating to, or involving the measurement of multiple volumes.

volumetric analysis

quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents.


People who eat according to the Volumetrics plan focus on e. Volumetrics. Definition. Origins. Description. Function. Benefits. Precautions. Risks. Research .

volumetrics definition

volumetrics definition, meaning, French dictionary, synonym, see also volumétrie ,volumètre ,volumétrique ,volume , Reverso dictionary, French definition,.

what is 3d volumetric positioning accuracy and how to define and

1. What is 3D volumetric positioning accuracy and. How to define and measure it. Charles Wang. Optodyne, Inc. 1180 Mahalo Place. Compton, CA 90220.


volumetrics: The measurement or the estimation of volume.

definition of various terms used in volumetric analysis

Web Formulas: Definition of various terms used in Volumetric analysis. Volumetric Analysis is to determine the volume of a solution of know concentration.

volumetric format plans

In this section the base parcel is defined by the external boundaries of the parcel or parcels being subdivided. 10.2 General: 10.2.1 Creation of volumetric.

volumetric solution definition

Definition of volumetric solution. Provided by Stedman s medical dictionary and Drugs. Includes medical terms and definitions.

defining volumetric models · webbukkit/dynmap wiki · github

Volumetric models are intended to provide a relatively convenient way to produce relatively complex shapes. The application of textures to the.

definition of volumetric non-destructive examination or volumetric

Definitions. Volumetric Non-Destructive Examination or Volumetric NDE. Examination for internal material defects by methods such as.

volumetric flask definition

This is the definition of volumetric flask. Volumetric flasks are used to accurately prepare solutions for chemistry. - TRBfoto/Getty Images.

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[1] This forward contract exclusion in the definition of swap is in on when a supply contract with embedded volumetric optionality i.e.,.

volumetric production payment vpp definition

DEFINITION of Volumetric Production Payment - VPP . A type of structured investment that involves the owner of an oil and gas interest selling a specific volume.

meaning of volumetrıc in hindi

Volumetric meaning in Hindi : Get detailed meaning of VOLUMETRIC in Hindi language.This page shows Volumetric meaning in Hindi with.

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Volumetric definition, definition of volumetric, Anagrams of volumetric, words that start with Volumetric, and words that can be created from volumetric.

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