Diat Iron Lung Records

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Pick A Line/No Accent 7 LUNGS-031 by DIÄT, released 23 June 2012 1. Pick A Line 2. No Accent DIÄT - Pick A Line/No Accent 7 LUNGS-031 Rarely does.

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Everyday/Hinge & Bracket 7 LUNGS-037 by DIÄT, released 04 October 2013 1 . Everyday 2. Hinge & Bracket DIÄT - Everyday/Hinge & Bracket 7 w/download.

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IRON LUNG Records We know what We like and what We don t like. Pick A Line/No Accent 7 LUNGS-031 DIÄT · Post Ending // Pre Completion LP.

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FLESH WORLD - The Wild Animals In My Life LP w/download. $13.00. Image of SCUMRAID - Rip Up 7 w/download. SCUMRAID - Rip Up 7 w/download.

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3 days ago IRON LUNG RECORDS - 03 The Wild Animals In My Life.WAV. 04 Shaved Head.. DIÄT - Positive Energy LP At the plant. VACANT LIFE.

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DIÄT - Pick A Line/No Accent 7 LUNGS-031 Rarely does an unsolicited email IRON LUNG RECORDS STORE. Where you buy things

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Iron Lung Records. Profile: Record label run by Jensen Ward and Jon Kortland of the band Iron Lung. Contact Info: Iron Lung Records PO Box 95521


They should have a special tour version of the upcoming 7″ to be released on Iron Lung Records. Real version out by June. Until then please.

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You guys both do Iron Lung Records, how well does that work living in. So far it has been Pig Heart Transplant, Diät, Column Of Heaven.

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Independent Music News September 11, 2013 0 Comments. DIAT The fact that this band signed to Iron Lung Records, almost warns of a DIY punk sound.


Pick A Line b/w No Accent and Everyday b/w Hinge & Bracket out now on Iron Lung Records. youthofneukoellngmail. Upcoming gigs: 29/05/15 - Diät +.

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We are pumped to announce the MERCHANDISE & DIÄT show will be happening at one of our favourite venues. -DIÄT Iron Lung records, Adagio830

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DIÄT – Pick A Line / No Accent 7″ out in June. May 28, 2012 // Mastering Diät s upcoming 7″ on Iron Lung Records. A new band from Berlin, Germany,.

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DIÄT Mixtapes and reverb DE, Iron Lung Records. soundcloud/ habitualnourishment. FEATURE DIY melody and clever UK, Unwork Records.

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-DIÄT Iron Lung records, Adagio830 After two demo tapes and two great 7s, we will be celebrating the debut LP Positive Energy which will be released via.

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Diat: Everyday 7. Iron Lung Records. Sold out. Latest single from this Australian- cum-German band, and it delivers more of their trademark punchy, punk-y.


DIÄT – positive energy LP DIÄT – called positive energy and a split release w/ IRON LUNG records and sooner https://adagio830-records.bandcamp.

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DIÄT. everyday 2013/IRON LUNG. POST-PUNK. DIÄT from Berlin return with a bursting melancholic post-punk 7 to hold you over until the energy album is.

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DIÄT. Mixtapes and reverb DE, Iron Lung Records. http://soundcloud/ FEATURE. DIY melody and clever UK, Unwork Records.

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2 ironlung. Diät Pick A Line/No Accent 7 Iron Lung 2012. La rumeur, désormais seule source d informations fiable sur internet, voudrait que Diät.

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DIÄT – Pick A Line b/w No Accent 7 Iron Lung I ll resist the urge to call Berlin s A space for thoughts on music and culture as they relate to vinyl records.


tags: diät punk berlin diat garage hardcore iron lung iron lung records new wave post punk powerviolence punk Seattle.

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Column of Heaven - Holy Things Are For The Holy 7 Iron Lung Records Diat - Everyday b/w Hinge and Bracket 7 Iron Lung Records Knife Creep - Demo.

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Iron Lung Records DIAT Everyday 7 Our friends from Berlin return with a bursting melancholic post punk single to hold us over until the.

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Iffi drums is responsible for the one about his Static Shock record store and Static Age label. Who is who Iron Lung released your debut 7.

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Iron Lung Records LUNGS-061 7 Single, 2014. Nou món; Cinturons, genolls, vidres i cossos. Una Bèstia Incontrolable, LP cover Buy Download Play.


Diät - Pick A Line/ No Accent 7 Cover. by Jean The power punk three-piece are releasing a 7″ split on Iron Lung Records, June 28 . On the.


Preview songs from Pick a Line - Single by DIÄT on the iTunes Store. Preview, buy Top Albums and Songs by DIÄT. Everyday - Single, DIÄT. 1. $1.98; Genres: Alternative, Music, Rock; Released: Jun 23, 2012; ℗ 2012 Iron Lung Records.

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