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Honey cakes were also worn as a talisman in battle or as protection against evil spirits. Lebkuchen was invented by monks in Franconia, Germany in the 13th.


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The minister, Hajiya Zainab Kuchi was even quoted as recommending exorcism – We must resolve to jointly exorcise the evil spirit behind this.

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There are evil spirits witches, goblins, etc. and jester-like figures that taunt the evil spirits and frighten them away. And in the best tradition of.

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There are evil spirits witches, goblins, etc. and jester-like figures that taunt the evil spirits and frighten them away. And in the best tradition of.

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However, Kuchen, having never displayed any ability to cook outside of the most to the rumors of a evil unicorn spreading chaos across Equestria to Kuchen.

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