Kuchen Means English

kuchen translation english

Kuchen translation english, German - English dictionary, meaning, see also Küche ,kuschen ,Küchlein ,Küchenfee , example of use, definition, conjugation,.


A cake, especially one eaten with coffee. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content.


The term itself may cover as many distinct desserts as its English counterpart cake. Kuchen desserts are presumably handed down from people of German.


Define kuchen: any of various coffee cakes made from sweet yeast dough— usage, synonyms, more.

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Rhyming Words. Example Sentences. Translate. Find Words. Word Forms. Pronounce Words English words for the German word Küchen. cuisine, kitchen .


Meaning of kuchen. Pronunciation of kuchen. Translations of kuchen. kuchen synonyms, kuchen antonyms. Information about kuchen in the free online English .

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dict.cc German-English Dictionary: Translation for Küchen.

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Definition of kuche in German, Meaning of kuche, German >> English, Dictionary, German English Dictionary, MyDictionary.Net.

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Küche German to English translation. Translate Küche to German online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.

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. and pronunciation. From Dicios, the best free online German to English dictionary. Küche: meaning into english, synonyms and pronunciation.

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. and pronunciation. From Dicios, the best free online German to English dictionary. Kuchen: meaning into english, synonyms and pronunciation.

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The word Kuchen masculine means cake. But Germans differ between der How can I translate English documents to Spanish? HACKER SAFE certified sites.


Kuchen definition, a yeast-raised coffeecake, often containing fruit. See more. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition

what does kuchen mean in english

It s not a question that you can ask someone. Ich mochte means I would like ein is the indefinite article meaning a stuck means a piece of kuchen is cake and.

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WordSense.eu Dictionary: kuchen - meaning, definition, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, hyphenation, see also Kuchen, Küchen. kuchen English. Origin & .

kuchen meaning definition origin

The term itself may cover as many distinct desserts as its English counterpart cake. Kuchen Meaning of kuchen in the lexbook online dictionary.


That words such as kaffeeklatsch or coffee klatsch, streusel, and strudel exist in the American-English dictionaries attributes to the importance of their.

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Top Definition. the cake is a lie. Roughly translates to your promised reward is merely a fictitious motivator. Popularized by the game Portal found on Half-Life .

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Leben means life and Kuchen means pastry A special spice cookie that appears especially around the holidays. Lebkuchen are English US. Log in.

leben means life and kuchen means pastry a special spice

Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von Kuchen auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.


Urban dictionary: guey, The mexican slang address güey or guey always, with a smirk, means cuckold, which is the only word in english that labels the man.


Der Restaurantkritiker hat meinen Kuchen geschmeckt .. but only probieren gives the meaning of your English phrase. Testen means to test no surprise, since this is the origin of this word according to the Duden or to.


German song lyrics for children in German and English - Backe, backe Kuchen in German.

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The German adverb also does not mean also, too as many English-speakers If you said im der Küche, you would be saying in dem der Küche, or in the the.

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Good design distinguishes itself by means of the synthesis from a creative and well thought-out composition and presentation. Our ingenious and sophisticated .


I don t know what kuchen means but it looks like it s worth sacrificing the diet. Genial und supereinfach: Snickers, Oreo und Philadelphia in einem Kuchen!! Das.

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Kuchen means cake in German. There are as many different kinds of kuchen as there are kinds of cake. I saw this recipe for upside-down plum.

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Definition of cake | The official Collins English Dictionary online. Comprehensive and C13: from Old Norse kaka; related to Danish kage, German Kuchen.

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In some apartment ads I ve seen it say kuche MIT GWM what is GWM? I asked my German roomate and he said it must be Swiss.

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