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The Real Rockstar Diet. Get the healthy tour bus secrets of 5 of-the-moment musicians. Thursday, August 21, 2014 | Sarah St. Lifer. 0 0 0 0. Honestly, there is .

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Surely this is the kind of health advice you ve been waiting for: Socialize — life is a party. It s normal to overindulge in alcohol, junk food,.

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SELF labeled Austin, Texas one of our Healthiest Cities, so while we were in town for the Austin City Limits music festival, we talked to five.

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Rock stars might have heard of the new book coming out called the Drunk Diet. A rock star diet that supports drinking and looking great. Sure.

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The demands of touring musical stars — commonly known as riders — are legendary, covering every aspect of production right down to.

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come with fame and fortune, rock stars aren t generally renowned for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I think my diet is pretty good, yeah.

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If accountants or computer programmers lived the lifestyle most rock stars do, they Secret Weapons: Stage diving, macrobiotic diet, and younger women.

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Jo Wood loved her rock n roll life of excess. Now she has immersed herself in a world of purity, she tells Judith Woods.

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The singer Pink, whose real name is Alecia Moore, transforms her Rock Star Body through a combination of diet and cleansing, strength.

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Gwen Stefani Diet, Exercise, and Workout Tips. Want to Stay Active and Healthy? Get Gwen Stefani s Rockstar Fitness Advice. by Michele Foley.

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David Avocado Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and Eating for Beauty, The Sunfood Diet Success System, Naked Chocolate,.

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Hi I m JES, the Rock Star behind The Rock Star Diet ;- You might know me from my music and if I m not singing, I m cooking. I have to lead a healthy lifestyle so I.

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Hi I m JES, the Rock Star behind The Rock Star Diet ;- You might know me from my music and if I m not singing, I m cooking. I have to lead a healthy lifestyle so I.

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Diet Tricks the Stars Use to Stay Thin. When you see photos of Cameron Diaz s slim silhouette or Jessica Alba s flat postpregnancy tummy you.

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Remember when rock stars used to be bad examples? 50-year-old remains that musclebound body while eating a mostly vegetarian diet.

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Gwen Stefani s Vegan Rock Star Diet. 42 year old mother-of-two Gwen Stefani definitely qualifies as a super-fit celebrity. Staying in shape is part of her job, and .

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The Rockstar Remedy: A Rock & Roll Doctor s Prescription for Living a Long, Healthy Life. 1. Dezember 2015. von Dr. Gabrielle Francis und Stacy Baker.

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