Uber Kuchen Cheshire

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Free company summary for UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD including Companies house registration, overview of business activities, contact details, social.

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Free company accounts for UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD including 5 years graphed cash at bank, assets, liabilities and net worth, complete financial table.

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Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd was incorporated on 12 May 2011 and is located in Merseyside. The company s status is listed as Dissolved and it had 0 directors.

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Free companies house information for Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd including Company Check, Company Accounts, Directors, and Filing History.

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Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd, 64 Springfield Lane, Eccleston in Eccleston with Driving directions.

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Official accounts and financial records of UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD WA10 5HA MERSEYSIDE - Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar not musical.

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Company Information Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd 07631329 Inc:2011-05-12 Age:3 years Address:St. Helens, Merseyside.

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Company information - UK Company Search - UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD.

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Company information - UK Company Search - UBER HOME LIMITED to UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD.

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Mr. Peter James Gibbons was the company secretary of Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd. He started there in 2011. He is now likely retired as there is no record of.

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Learn more about company UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD, registered office, free company check, contacts, map, nature of business, financial information,.

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Company credit reports and director reports for UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD 07631329. This business is Dissolved.

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Check the company profile of Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd 07631329. Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd. operates in Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar.

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UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD are based in 64 Springfield Lane, Eccleston. They are currently rated G and are considered to have a high.

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UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD in ST. HELENS - UNITED KINGDOM - WA10 5HA - Contact Us, Phone Number, Address and Map businessprofile2. Find us.

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Company credit check, accounts and free information on UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD, 64 Springfield Lane, Eccleston, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 5HA.

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UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD Dissolved. Date of Incorporation: 12 May 2011. Date of Dissolution: 3 September 2013. Share Capital: £20. Registered.

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Uber Kuchen cheshire Ltd is a dissolved private limited company incorporated on 12th May 2011 and dissolved on 3rd September 2013.

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COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. Company name: UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD. Registered Number: 07631329. Incorporation Date: 12/05/2011. Registered .

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Get telephone numbers, addresses, local maps, directions and reviews for Uber Kuchen Kitchen Planning And Installation in Warrington, Cheshire, North West.

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Uber Kuchen cheshire Ltd is an United Kingdom Private Limited - Limited Company filed on May 12, 2011. The company s filing status is listed as Private.

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Free credit report for UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD 07631329 online. Facts tell more than an abstruse credit score. International credit reports for rest of .

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ÜberKuchen are designers and suppliers of beautiful and practical kitchens. German quality and innovation at a price you can afford.

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Firmenprofil Uber Kuchen Cheshire Ltd 07631329 Gründung:2011-05-12 Alter: 3 Jahre Adresse:St. Helens, Merseyside.

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Find Uber Kuchen in PINNER on Yell. Get contact details, reviews, photos and map directions.

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List of companies owned by Shane Shane Swift. Free company director check. Shane Shane Swift worked in company UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD as.

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Kupi uradnih dokumentov podjetja za UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD, Companies House, United Kingdom na GBRDirect.


UBER KUCHEN CHESHIRE LTD. 07631329. 03/09/2013. TURNBRIDGE LTD. 05997686. UBERWEIN LIMITED. 07912373. 03/09/2013.

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Page 144 of 2,884. CIN. Name. Country. Address.


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