Volumetric Joint Count
correlatıon rqd – volumetrıc joınt count
The 3-dimensional block volume Vb and the volumetric joint count Jv measurements give much better characterizations of the block size. As the block size.
The volumetric joint count Jv is a simple measure of the degree of jointing. It takes into account all the occurring joints and fractures and is easily calculated.
measurements and characterization of rock mass
. Method where joints do not seem to delimit blocks............................ 10. 3.4. Measurements of the volumetric joint count Jv .
volumetric joint count
Weighted joint density wJd. Block volume. Vb. Block volume. Vb. Volumetric joint count Jv. Measurements on drill cores. Measurements in rock surfaces.
block size measurement
It is estimated by counting joint volumetric. and compared with weighted joint densityWJD. KEYWORDS: RQD, weighted joint density, intersection angle,.
determination rock quality designation rqd basis on joints
The infilling materials are mica and quartz; their percentages are constant for all the outcrops studied. The modified volumetric joint count ranges from 0.67 m-1.
modified volumetric joint count to check for suitability of granite
This distribution function has one model parameter, which is the average number of discontinuities related to the block volume and the volumetric joint count.
volumetric rock quality designation
counting all the joints observed in an area of known size. 2.4.1 Correlation between block volume Vb and volumetric joint count Jv. The block volume for three.
block sıze and block sıze dıstrıbutıon
Abstract:. The joint space or frequency are more suitable for the definition of volumetric joint count Jv in the Code of Engineering Rock Mass Classification.
support of underground excavations in hard rock
one of three indices, Rock Quality Designation RQD, Volumetric Joint Count Jv , and Block Size Index Ib. These, being index properties do not quantify.
rock mass classification a practical approach in civil engineering
EBSCOhost serves thousands of libraries with premium essays, articles and other content including Determination of volumetric joint count based on 3D fracture.
new formulae for volumetrıc joınt count j v of
blockiness and joint condition, characterized in terms of the descriptive axis title. to the Volumetric Joint Count, Jv, a measure of the number of joints crossing a .
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Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering IV: Determination of Volumetric Joint Count Based on 3D Fracture Network and its Application in Engineering.
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Measurement of Volumetric Joint Count and Its Application in Surrounding Rock Classification. HU Xiu-wen, HU Sheng-ming, LU Yang, HUANG Lei, LIU Zhen.
block size determination around underground
This study compares the characterization of fractures of some granite outcrops in Southwestern Nigeria. Some geometrical properties of discontinuity orientation.
determination of volumetric joint count based on 3d fracture network
of discontinuities related to the block volume and the volumetric joint count. within a rock mass provided that the volumetric joint count and average number.
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The volumetric joint count is described as the number of joints encountered in a cubic meter of fractured rock mass and is the measurement of.
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the mean block volume Vb, the volumetric joint count Jvb and the block block volumes Vi and the volumetric joint counts Jvi estimated by using the field.
determination of volumetric joint count based on 3d fracture
sliding joint or joint set b° and the strength along the sliding joint.. be correlated with the volumetric joint count joints/m3 rock mass, i.e..