Volumetrics Meaning


Definition of volumetric in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of volumetric. Pronunciation of volumetric. Translations of volumetric. volumetric synonyms, volumetric.


Volumetric definition, of or relating to measurement by volume. See more.


adjective vol·u·met·ric ˌväl-yu̇-ˈme-trik. Definition of VOLUMETRIC. : of, relating to, or involving the measurement of volume. — vol·u·met·ri·cal·ly -tri-kə- lē.

what does volumetric mean? definition and meaning free english

Definition of volumetric in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of volumetric . What does volumetric mean? Proper usage of the word volumetric. Information.

volumetrics dictionary definition

volumetrics - Computer Definition. Dealing with size. Refers to storage and database requirements and typically deals with configuring the size of caches, buffers.

volumetric dictionary definition

volumetric. [väl′yo̵̅o̅ me′trik]. adjective. of or based on the measurement of volume. also volumetrical. Origin of volumetric. ; from volumeter + -ic. Related.


Relating to the measurement of volume. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content.

meaning of volumetrıc in hindi

Volumetric meaning in Hindi : Get detailed meaning of VOLUMETRIC in Hindi language.This page shows Volumetric meaning in Hindi with.


volumetrics: The measurement or the estimation of volume.

definition of volumetric analysis

Definition of volumetric analysis | The official Collins English Dictionary online. Comprehensive and authoritative, rely on Collins for up-to-date English with.


volumetric - Meaning in Hindi, what is meaning of volumetric in Hindi dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of volumetric in Hindi and.

what is volumetric flowrate? definition and meaning

Definition of volumetric flowrate: The total volume of fluid that moves within a defined space over a set period of time. For example, cardiac output can be.

volumetric flask

A volumetric flask measuring flask or graduated flask is a piece of laboratory Calibration and toleration standards for volumetric flasks are defined in the.

volumetric lighting

Volumetric lighting is a technique used in 3D computer graphics to add lighting effects to a rendered scene. It allows the viewer to see beams of light shining.

volumetric analysis

volumetric analysis, any method of quantitative chemical analysis in which the amount of a substance is determined by measuring the volume.

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Volumetric - Topic:Fine arts - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything you always wanted to know.

translation and meaning of the word volumetric in english arabic

Meaning of volumetric, Definition of Word volumetric in Almaany.

mrı-based brain volumetrics emergence of a developmental brain

MRI-based brain volumetrics is an established methodology of great versatility and reliability with a. experienced anatomic eye, as a means of specifying the.

volumetric change definition

volumetric change definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also volumetric analysis ,volumetric displacement ,volumetric efficiency ,volumetrically ,.

volumetric pipets

Volumetric glassware is used for precise and accurate volumes. Since this pipet is marked TD, meaning To deliver, the small amount of liquid remaining at .

calculating the volumetric weight of a package

From time to time its necessary to calculate the volumetric weight of a package when the space a package takes on an aircraft may cost more than the package s .

meaning of volumetric capacity

What is the meaning of volumetric capacity? Showing results from over 2000 word lists.

volumetric factors bo and bg

Volumetric factors were introduced in petroleum and natural gas calculations in order Introducing the definition for densities in terms of compressibility factor,.

volumetric format plans

Volumetric plans define parcels that: ♢ are fully enclosed by bounding surfaces, which may be other than vertical or horizontal. ♢ All bounding surfaces, where.

definition of various terms used in volumetric analysis

Volumetric analysis is also called as titrimetiric analysis. Titrate: Substance to be analyzed or to be determined. Titrant: Reagent of know concentration. Titration:.

gross weight nett weight tare volumetric

Volumetric - a notional or calculated weight for bulky goods sent by air. Generally stated as 6000cm3 = 1 kg, meaning that the total volume in cubic centimetres.

volumetric water content

6 VOLUMETRIC WATER CONTENT. 6.1 DEFINITION. The water content in soils is usually expressed as either a dimensionless ratio of two masses or two.

volumetrics definition from pc magazine encyclopedia

Definition of:volumetrics. volumetrics. Dealing with size. Refers to storage and database requirements and typically deals with configuring the size of caches,.

volumetric ınstruments

Volumetric measurement plays a central role in the laboratory. The user has to determine the instruments described. By all means, read the operating manuals.

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