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I bought a groupon deal for about £17 a few weeks ago and was planning on redeeming it today, but when I click on the link it asks me to switch.

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I saw that WW is offering a deal on groupon for online plus. I think it was $20 for 2 months. I doubt it s applicable to current members. I m kind of.

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I ll be buying on payday but thought i d share the love! http://m.groupon.co.uk/ deals/national-deal/gg-weight-watchers-online-2/4776414.

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I bought the Groupon voucher for 3 months of weight watchers for 14.99 and I cannot figure out how to redeem it! I have tried using the qr code.

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I joined Weight Watchers on the Pay As You Go plan because I am a retired senior citizen and that plan works better for me. I am not new to

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i purchased a Groupon voucher for Weight watchers 3 months online subscription For 14.50! I ve entered my code and followed the weight.

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You can get a 3 month subscription to Weight Watchers for just £17.49 online at Groupon, saving over £16. Simply purchase the Weight.

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A class-action lawsuit filed against Groupon has shed some light on how McDonald s and Weight Watchers have teamed up to cross-promote.

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