Weight Watchers Zizzi Propoints

zizzi propoints anyone?

Can anyone with the eating out guide or who goes regularly to Zizzi s recommend any main course not too high in points. I know there is an.

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And remember, you also have your weekly 49 ProPoints allowance for any extras Tip: Zizzi serve up skinny pizzas made from wholemeal dough, and served.

thread pro points eating out

Zizzi s Help. Hi Been on WW for a while. Am going Zizzi s tonight does anyone no the the new pro points value for here??? if you could list the.

ıtalian cuisine is very popular and the...

Have a look at our Eating Out: Italian guide for a list of ProPoints values for meals at Zizzi and more. http://weightwatchers.co.uk/util/art/index_art.aspx…

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Zizzi Ristorante - Only the freshest local ingredients for the very best local, affordable Italian food. Each restaurant is a little bit different with a distinctly local feel,.

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STEPPING IN FOR NORMA Welcome one and all to our 4th thread If you re just starting out or you ve been following WW for a while and you re.

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Buy WeightWatchers Eating Out Guide by Weightwatchers ISBN: from Amazon s Book Store. New 2012 Eat Out WeightWatchers ProPoints menus listed, e.g.Burger King, Cafe Rouge, Pizza Express, Subway, Slug & Lettuce and Zizzi.

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Im officially joining ww on monday with my sister but Im getting on the. E.g. Zizzi is a very nice italian and the arrabiata pasta is 6 pts if you.

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Now that would be some top ww/diet friendly food tagged some of my meal at Zizzi - I stuck to my skinny bufala mozerella pizza for 13 propoints

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